Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Hillary Clinton Is a TOTAL FUCKING IDIOT!

"I just thank Heather Mills for the person she is and the good work she does for all of us. God bless you Heather." - Hillary Clinton, Democratic Retard with aspirations to be President of USA and even less public relations acumen than George W. Bush

Considering the feeble state of her ill advised campaign for the Democratic nomination you'd think someone in her camp would have told her dropping an endorsement of Heather "one fucking legged seal hugger" Mills right now would be a bad idea. Apparently Bill's too busy doing the man's work (banging interns) to let her know that traditionally, Presidential types shy away from bad news stories. I mean does anyone like Heather Mills?

1 comment:

Sean Cranbury said...


couldn't agree more with your comments here but especially your graph. just an astonishing piece of edible mathematics right there.

personally i hate stephane dion and gg allin equally but i'm not at all surprised that an overwhelming number of respondents hate olde pegleg the most.

keep up the good work.
